
Instruction for Getting Rid of PUP.Optional.4Squared

If you got a warning message of PUP.Optional.4Squared from anti-virus, you come to the right place. This passage will help you know this PUP.Optional.4Squared, and provides a method to remove it completely from your computer. 

Basic Knowledge of PUP.Optional.4Squared

PUP.Optional.4Squared can be identified as a malicious browser add-on. Once infected, browsers work funny. All browsers including Internet Explorer, Google Chrome or Firefox can be affected. Let’s see how victim users complain about this bug:

“What can I do? Is the PUP.Optional.4Squared a big threat to computer? Because my browsers work weirdly, I am not sure if PUP.Optional.4Squared can explain my browser problems.”

In fact, advertisements related to commercial products or online services pop up when users open their browsers once infected with PUP.Optional.4Squared. Sometimes it provides computer optimizer programs luring users to buy those products on the Internet. It keeps popping up so to bother users’ online activities.

What Damages PUP.Optional.4Squared Will Cause to My Computer?

The reason why PUP.Optional.4Squared can take control of the browsers and disturbs users’ online activities is that it creates malicious files and registry entries to the infected computer once invaded, and installs malicious toolbar to the browsers. What is more, PUP.Optional.4Squared collects sensitive information that users typed in when they browse the Internet such as bank account, credit card number or email passwords. So users have to remove PUP.Optional.4Squared to protect their browsers and personal information at the same time.

Instruction for Getting Rid of PUP.Optional.4Squared

Solution one: uninstall PUP.Optional.4Squared from your PC manually.

Step 1: Go to Task Manager with Alt+Ctrl+Delete and stop its process.

Step 2: Remove PUP.Optional.4Squared files, search the related files:

%AppData%\ PUP.Optional.Amonetize.exe
%AppData%\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\ PUP.Optional.4Squared.lnk
%UserProfile%\Desktop\ PUP.Optional.4Squared.lnk
c:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\searchplugins\ PUP.Optional.Amonetize.xml

Step 3: Remove PUP.Optional.4Squared registries:

HKLM\SOFTWARE\Google\Chrome\Extensions\fjoijdanhaiflhibkljeklcghcmmfffh\ PUP.Optional.4Squared
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\BrowserHelper Objects\{8B94898D-9279-4A6C-BA22-48CDFEDFB43D}(PUP.Optional.4Squared) HKCR\CLSID\{8B94898D-9279-4A6C-BA22-48CDFEDFB43D}(PUP.Optional.4Squared) HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Ext\Settings\{8B94898D-9279-4A6C-BA22-48CDFEDFB43D}(PUP.Optional.4Squared) HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Ext\Stats\{8B94898D-9279-4A6C-BA22-48CDFEDFB43D} (PUP.Optional.4Squared)

Step 4: Reset browser proxy ( take Firefox as an example)

1. Under "Tools" in the browser tool bar select "Options".
2. In the "Options" window that pops up, click the "Advanced" tab at the top.
3. Click the "Network" subtab, and then click the "Settings" button in the "Connections" area.
4. If "No proxy" isn't selected, click it to mark "No proxy" as your preference. See image below:
5. Start Internet Explorer again.

Step 5: Clear your internet history records, internet temp files and cookies.

Watch Video to Learn How to Get Rid of PUP.Optional.4Squared

Solution two: automatically stop PUP.Optional.4Squared with SpyHunter.

 Step one: Click on the icon below to download SpyHunter on your computer.
Step two: Install SpyHunter step by step, according to the pictures of installation.

Step three: In order to find out the suspicious files,you have to do full scanning, and then terminate all detected malicious files.

Step four: You can reboot your computer, and then do a full scanning one more time to check if all the threatening files have been deleted.

Tips: If you are not skilled in operating computer, you are not advised to use manual removal method, because manual removal is too complicated and difficult to handle. So we highly expect you to download SpyHunter to remove PUP.Optional.4Squared, which is more effective. Moreover, SpyHunter is useful to protect the computer by taking some preventive measures in the future.

>>> Download SpyHunter to remove PUP.Optional.4Squared!

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