
Guide to Remove Win32.downloader.gen Trojan Virus

If you got a warning message from anti-virus program, stating that your computer is infected with Win32.downloader.gen Trojan virus, then you have to remove it immediately, for this is a dangerous threat to your computer.

Instruction of Win32.downloader.gen 

Win32.downloader.gen is a dangerous Trojan virus. Trojan is the most hazardous computer virus of all. It causes many problems for users. Computer shuts down and restarts randomly, which will cause the hardware damages. Users may find that their computers run weirdly because sometimes they cannot open their programs, or lose personal files. Homepages may be replaced by unfamiliar web sites, and search engines may be changed. In a word, computer performs strangely and abnormally since infected with Win32.downloader.gen.

In reality, Win32.downloader.gen Trojan virus invades the target computer without any of users’ permission. They are installed together with free programs when users download or update soft wares from the Internet. Once installed, it implants malicious files and registry entries to the compromised computer, and changes the startup items, so that to be launched automatically each time users boot their computers. What is worse, Win32.downloader.gen open backdoors on the infected computer, helping other viruses and threats come to the infected computer. It also connects the infected computer to a remove server. In this way, hackers and cyber criminals can take the fully control of the infected computer. Users’ information and files saved in the computer including photos, documents, bank accounts, credit card numbers, or email passwords, may be used by hackers for evil purpose. Therefore, users have to remove Win32.downloader.gen Trojan virus immediately once infected.

Damages Caused by Win32.downloader.gen Trojan Virus

1. Win32.downloader.gen injects malicious files and registry entries to the infected system;

2. Win32.downloader.gen alerts the startup items and activates automatically whenever users boot the computers;

3. Win32.downloader.gen runs behind the background of the system;

4. Win32.downloader.gen causes problems such as browse hijacker and redirection problems, random shut-downs, programs-nonresponsive and so on;

5. Win32.downloader.gen connects the infected computer to remote server, putting it under the hackers’ control;

6. Win32.downloader.gen uses information saved in the infected illegally.

Guide to Remove Win32.downloader.gen Trojan Virus

Approach one: manually remove Win32.downloader.gen Trojan virus from the infected computer.

1) Boot your computer into Safe Mode with Networking.

To perform this procedure, please restart your computer and keep pressing F8 key until Windows Advanced Options menu shows up, then using arrow key to select “Safe Mode with Networking” from the list and press ENTER to get into that mode.

2) Press Ctrl+Alt+Del keys together to pull up Window Task Manager and end suspicious processes.

3) Check the following directories and remove all these associated files:

Counter-Strike Source.exe

4) Open Registry Editor by navigating to Start Menu, type in Regedit, and then click OK. When you have been in Registry Editor, please remove the following related registry entries:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\random

5) After you finish the above steps, please reboot your computer and get in normal mode to check the effectiveness.

Learn to Remove Trojan Virus from Video

Approach two: automatically remove  Win32.downloader.gen Trojan virus with SpyHunter.

Step one: Download SpyHunter by clicking the button below:

Step two: Click on Download, and then follow the installation process of SpyHunter step by step.

1. In the showing box, click Run.

2. Click: I accept the license agreement, and then press Next.

3. Wait for a while to install the applications.

4. Click Finish.

5. After installation, you can click Yes to restart your computer to make SpyHunter effect, or press No, if you’d like to restart it later manually.

Step three:scan and delete every threats caused by Win32.downloader.gen Trojan virus.

1. To do a full scanning with SpyHunter to find out every threats in your computer.

2. After that, you need to select every detected threats about Win32.downloader.gen Trojan virus and remove them all.

Notes: Remove Win32.downloader.gen Trojan virus as soon as possible. If not, your confidential information will be threathened. Based on your own liking, you can choose one of the two methods. But if you don’t have a good command of computer knowledge, I suggest downloading and installing SpyHunter to automatically remove Win32.downloader.gen Trojan virus from your PC permanently.

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