
Hijacked by Govome Virus? http://govome.inspsearch.com/ Removal Guide!

Get infected with Govome (http://govome.inspsearch.com/)? Read this passage to know this browser hijacker.

http://govome.inspsearch.com/ , also Govome, can be classified as a browser hijacker virus. It pretends to be a legal search engine, which is able to replace the homepages of browsers, and change your default search engines. In fact, it changes the default browser settings, and malicious toolbar and add-ons have been installed to your browsers; that is why your homepages and default search engines can be changed. Malicious files and registry entries have been injected to your system as soon as it same to your PC.

How Did Govome (http://govome.inspsearch.com/) Come to My Computer?

Govome (http://govome.inspsearch.com/) browser hijacker comes to your computer with share programs on the Internet when users download or update programs from the Internet. It can also be distributed with spam email attachments or hacked web sites. It does cause problems for users. What is more, it collects users’ personal information by reviewing histories, cookies, and in-put search keywords. The personal info might be revealed to hackers and taken advantaged by them for evil purpose. Users have to remove Govome (http://govome.inspsearch.com/) as soon as they can in this perspective.

How Can I Remove / Disable Govome (http://govome.inspsearch.com/) Browser Hijacker?

Solution one: manually remove Govome (http://govome.inspsearch.com/) browser hijacker.

<<safe mode with net working>>
Restart your computer and tap F8 constantly before the system has been launched. When you get Advanced boot option, please choose Safe mode with net working with your arrow key, then press Enter.

<<stop the processes>>
Press Ctrl+Shift+Esc to launch the Task Manage, then click Processes tab, choose the malicious processes and End Task.

<<remove Govome (http://govome.inspsearch.com/) related files>>


<<delete all associated registry entries>>

HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\random
HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run |Regedit32

<<set your homepage back to default>>

Select Start Menu > Control Panel > Internet Options > General>>Type your preferred home page's URL>>Click "Use Default," "Apply," and "OK."

Solution two: automatically remove Govome (http://govome.inspsearch.com/) browser hijacker with SpyHunter.

You can follow the above manual removal procedures step by step to get rid of Govome (http://govome.inspsearch.com/) browser hijacker from your computer, but it is too complicated to handle. So I now introduce an easy but powerful automatical removal method with SpyHunter to you.

Step one:  Download Spyhunter antivirus program by clicking the icon below;

Step two: Click on Download, and then install SpyHunter on your computer by following the hints step by step.

Step three: Do a full scanning and then remove every threats caused by Govome (http://govome.inspsearch.com/) browser hijacker.

Step four: Reboot your computer and check it again to make sure that Govome (http://govome.inspsearch.com/) browser hijacker is gone completely.

Notes: Manual removal is suitable for those people who are good at computer only, because manual removal is too complicated, while any mistakes made during the process of operation will easily cause further damage to the system. Automatically removing Govome (http://govome.inspsearch.com/) browser hijacker with SpyHunter is easier and more effective, so I strongly recommend you to use SpyHunter.

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