
Infected with Search-india.net? Search-india.net Removal Instruction

What is Search-india.net? Why does it keep popping up? How can it come to my computer? You must have many questions if your computer is infected with Search-india.net. You will get all your answers from this passage and learn a way to remove Search-india.net from your computer. 

What Is Search-india.net?

Search-india.net can be classified as a browser hijacker virus because it hijacks homepages and redirects users’ search results. Usually it displays many ads or links related various kinds of commercial products. Users are not suggested to click those links and ads, or you will be redirected to unfamiliar or even unsafe web sites; other infections or viruses can be installed to this compromised computer in this way. If you purchase products from this Search-india.net, your credit card number might be revealed to hackers or designers of this web site. Therefore, Search-india.net is not friendly to your PC.

Why Does It Keep Popping up?

Search-india.net keeps popping up as your homepage, even though you have set it back. In the matter of fact, Search-india.net browser hijacker drops malicious files and registry entries to target system, and changes default browser settings including homepages, default search engines and so on. Malicious toolbar and add-ons will be installed to browsers so that it can mess up your browser running. You should remove all those files and entries together when you try to remove it, but not set your homepages back to default only.

How Can Search-india.net Come to My Computer?

Search-india.net can be bundled with share programs on the Internet, and is installed when users download or update programs from the Internet. It can also be distributed via spam email attachments or hacked web sites.

How Can I Remove / Stop / Get Rid of Search-india.net

Solution one: manually remove Search-india.net from the infected computer.

A: The processes belonging to Search-india.net added to your Task Manager and needed to stop.

B: You will need to remove the following associated registry entries to Search-india.net:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\[RANDOM CHARACTERS].exe
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Random

C: The files created by Search-india.net are required to be deleted in your Local Disk which stored in your operating system information.

C:\Documents and Settings\LocalService\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\exe
C:\Documents and Settings\LocalService\Local Settings\
D: Set your homepage back to default now.

Solution two: automatically remove Search-india.net with SpyHunter.

Step one: click on the following icon to download SpyHunter.

Step two: According to the prompt, install SpyHunter on your computer step by step.
Step three: Scan your computer fully to pick out those files related to Search-india.net, and then delete them.
Step four: Reboot your computer again to make sure your computer goes back to  work properly.

Note: If you are not skilled in operating computer, you are not advised to use manual removal method, because manual removal is too complicated and difficult to handle. So we highly expect you to download SpyHunter to remove Search-india.net, which is more effective. Moreover, SpyHunter is useful to protect the computer by taking some preventive measures in the future.

1.Remove Search-india.net with SpyHunter.

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