
BitCrypt Remove / Uninstall Guide

BitCrypt Description

BitCrypt is a program which helps users encrypting target files to strengthen the level of security. However, some cyber criminals make use of this program to make money illegally. They turn BitCrypt to a computer virus which can encrypt your files randomly. Users are asked to pay a ransom in order to unlock their files. Once infected, all your personal files including pdf, word, and other forms of files can be encrypted. In fact, as a computer virus, it drops malicious files and registry entries to your system. This virus can be spread with share programs on the Internet, or via spam email attachments and hacked web sites. You are not recommended to pay the ransom because you may not get back your files even though you pay the ransom. What is more, your financial information might be recorded and sent to hackers for evil purpose. In another word, users might suffer financial lose if you pay via its web sites.

You are lucky if you have backed up your personal files in an external disk, because you will lose your files forever if they are encrypted by BitCrypt. But you still  need to uninstall BitCrypt soon even though you cannot get your files back, because it will lock all your personal files, and you cannot save any files to your computer ever since if you leave it in your PC. Let’ see how you can uninstall BitCrypt from your computer.

Properties of BitCrypt (the virus)

1. Cyber criminals turn the legal program BitCrypt to a computer virus;
2. BitCrypt drops malicious files and registry entries to your computer;
3. The virus BitCrypt will lock your personal files without your permission;
4. The virus BitCrypt will record and send your financial information to designers if the virus;
5. You cannot get your files back if they are encrypted.

How to Uninstall BitCrypt Ransom Virus

Method one: manually remove BitCrypt ransom virus.

a: Get into the safe mode with networking
<Restart your computer. As your computer restarts but before Windows launches, tap "F8" key constantly. Use the arrow keys to highlight the "Safe Mode with Networking" option, and then press ENTER>

b: Stop all the processes, files and registry entries of BitCrypt

Step1: Go to Task Manager with Alt+Ctrl+Delete and stop its process.

Step2. Remove BitCrypt files, search the related files:

%AllUsersProfile%\ApplicationData\temp\ BitCrypt.dll
%AllUsersProfile%\ Application Data\roaming\ BitCrypt.exe

Step3. Remove BitCrypt registries:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run BitCrypt \“[RANDOM CHARACTRERISTIC]”
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall BitCrypt ransomware\Run “[RANDOM CHARACTRERISTIC].exe
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\AppEvents\Schemes\Apps\Explorer\Navigating\Uninstall BitCrypt \Run “[RANDOM CHARACTRERISTIC].exe”

c: Restart your computer to normal mode. 

Method two: automatically remove  BitCrypt ransom virus with SpyHunter - simple and effective 

You can follow the  manual removal procedures above step by step to get rid of BitCrypt ransom virus. from your computer, but it is too complicated to handle. So I now introduce an easy but powerful automatical removal method with SpyHunter to you. SpyHunter is designed specially to work against BitCrypt ransom virus. as well as other different kinds of virus. Next,we will teach you how to protect your computer step by step.

Step one:  Download Spyhunter antivirus program by clicking the icon below;

Step two: Click on Download, and then install SpyHunter on your computer by following the hints step by step.
Step three: Do a full scanning and then remove every threats caused by BitCrypt ransom virus.
Step four: Reboot your computer and check it again to make sure that BitCrypt ransom virus is gone completely.

Notes: Automatic removal with SpyHunter is more effective than manual removal. In addition, manual removal is too difficult to handle. So I strongly advise using SpyHunter to remove BitCrypt ransom virus. SpyHunter , a well-known anti-virus program, is designed specifically to remove different kinds of virus and protect computers in the future.

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