
Easy Way to Remove W3i.IQ5.fraud Virus Completely from Your PC

Do you have any idea about W3i.IQ5.fraud virus? Do you notice that your computer is working abnormally these days? If you want to know about W3i.IQ5.fraud virus, and get an effective measure to remove it, welcome to read the post below.

>>> Helpful method to remove W3i.IQ5.fraud Trojan horse.

Detailed Introduction about W3i.IQ5.fraud 

W3i.IQ5.fraud belongs to the Trojan horse virus family which can get into your computer without your knowledge or consent. W3i.IQ5.fraud, a dangerous Trojan horse virus, is a great threat to your computer. Once attacked by it, your system will be out of control in a short time.
W3i.IQ5.fraud Trojan horse can trigger many malicious activities on your computer beyond your imagination. First, W3i.IQ5.fraud is able to change your registry entries so that it can launch itself in the background automatically as well as avoid being detected easily by users. Second, it will make your computer shut down and restart randomly or crazily, and make your screen turn blue every now and then. Moreover, W3i.IQ5.fraud can open a backdoor on the infected system so that many viruses sneak into your computer to cause further damage to your system. To make matters worse, W3i.IQ5.fraud is able to connect remote server, which will lead your computer to be controlled by cyber criminal. In this case, your confidential information saved on the computer will be exposed to cyber criminal. Given all that,W3i.IQ5.fraud Trojan horse can be very destructive, so if you find it running on your computer, remove it quickly!

Available Ways to Remove W3i.IQ5.fraud Trojan horse

Method one: Manually remove W3i.IQ5.fraud Trojan horse from the infected computer.

Step 1: Boot your infected computer into Safe Mode with Networking
(Reboot your infected PC > keep pressing F8 key before Windows start-up screen shows>use the arrow keys to select “Safe Mode with Networking” and press Enter.)

Step 2: Press Ctrl+Alt+Del keys together and stop W3i.IQ5.fraud Trojan horse processes in the Windows Task Manager.
Step 3: Open the Registry Editor, search for and delete these Registry Entries created by W3i.IQ5.fraud Trojan horse.
(Click Start button> click "Run" > Input "regedit" into the Run box and click ok)
 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\ W3i.IQ5.fraud
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\.exe\shell\open\command "(Default)" = "%LocalAppData%\<random 3 chars>.exe" -a "%1" %*
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\<random> "(Default)" = 'Application'
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\<random>\DefaultIcon "(Default)" = '%1'
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Clients\StartMenuInternet\FIREFOX.EXE\shell\open\command "(Default)" = ""%LocalAppData%\<random 3 chars>.exe -a "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe""

Step 4: Detect and remove W3i.IQ5.fraud Trojan horse associated files.

Method two: Automatically remove W3i.IQ5.fraud Trojan horse with SpyHunter.

Step one: Click on the icon below to download SpyHunter on your computer.

Step two: Install SpyHunter step by step, according to the pictures of installation.

Step three: In order to find out the suspicious files,you have to do a full scan, and then terminate all detected malicious files.

Tips: Manual removal is so complicated that it is not proposed to be used for most of the users. Compared with manual removal, automatic removal with SpyHunter is easier and more effective. So we strongly propose downloading SpyHunter to remove W3i.IQ5.fraud Trojan horse automatically, and protect your computer in the future.

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