
What Can I Do to Remove JS/Redirector Trojan - Removal Instructions

“My laptop seems to have become infected with a Trojan. There aren't too many symptoms, but I do not want to wait around for this to get worse. The only real symptom that I notice is that my computer is running slower than usual. McAffee sends me semi-regular alerts (approximately every 20 minutes) that a Trojan has been quarantined, and the Trojan is always listed as a JS/Redirector Trojan.”

The information above is from one of the victims. Are you also troubled by such problems? If you are, read this post, you may find out what JS/Redirector Trojan is and how to get rid of it completely from the infected system.

Detailed Knowledge about JS/Redirector Trojan

Type: Trojan horse

Risk Level: malicious and dangerous

Operating Environment: Windows platform

Geographical distribution: Globally Distributed

Description about JS/Redirector Trojan:

It is known to many people that JS/Redirector Trojan is a malicious and dangerous Trojan virus which can get into your computer without your notice or permission. Once it infiltrates into your computer, it will be able to destroy your system severely by triggering many malicious activities on your computer. For example, it will inject its malicious files and registry entries to your system. And it can change your start-items to make it runs automatically each time you launch your computer. Moreover, JS/Redirector Trojan has the ability to connect the infected system with remote server, which will put your computer in a very dangerous situation. First and last, JS/Redirector Trojan is a deadly killer for your system. Once noticing it is running on your system, you should block it as quickly as you can!

Malicious traits:

1. It gets into your computer stealthily with free downloads from the Internet without your permission;

2. It injects its own files and registry entries into your system;

3. It changes the start-up items as soon as it comes to your computer;

4. It corrupts your system files and programs files;

5. It shuts down your machine randomly, and causes blue screen problems;

6. It open backdoor on your compromised system, and connects your computer to a remote server.

How to Get Rid of JS/Redirector Trojan from the Infected Computer?

Approach 1.Manually remove JS/Redirector Trojan by yourself.

Step 1. Boot up the infected computer, press F8 at the very beginning, choose “Safe Mode with Networking” and press Enter to get in safe mode with networking.

Step 2. Put an end to all the running process of JS/Redirector Trojan virus by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Del keys together in the Windows Task Manager.

Step 3: Open the Registry Editor, search for and delete these Registry Entries created by JS/Redirector Trojan virus (Click Start button> click "Run" > Input "regedit" into the Run box and click ok).
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "<random>" = "%AppData%\<random>.exe"
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "<random>" = "%AppData%\<random>.exe"

Step 4. Remove the unfamiliar programs which are related to JS/Redirector Trojan virus via using control panel.
(1) Go to the Start Menu, select Control Panel→Add/Remove Programs(Windows XP) or Uninstall a program from control panel (Windows 7 and Windows 8).
(2) When the Add/Remove Programs or the Uninstall a Program screen is displayed, look through the list of currently installed programs and remove those programs related to JS/Redirector Trojan.

Approach 2.Automatically stop JS/Redirector Trojan with SpyHunter.

Step 1. Click the icon below to start downloading SpyHunter;

Step 2. Install SpyHunter on your computer step by step;

Step 3. Do a complete scan with SpyHunter to search for every threats related to JS/Redirector Trojan , and then delete them all;

Step 4. Reboot your computer again to check whether all threats are removed

Notes: It is too complex for the users to remove JS/Redirector Trojan manually. If anyone who is not accomplished in computer insists in removing JS/Redirector Trojan manually, he or she will easily make errors to cause further damage to the infected system. So, for the safety of the computer, we strongly recommend you to use SpyHunter to remove JS/Redirector Trojan automatically, which is easier and safer.

>>> JS/Redirector Trojan can be removed by SpyHunter effectively!!

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