
Best Way to Remove go.mobappdirect.com Popups - Removal Tips

go.mobappdirect.com can be listed as  a browser hijacker that usually link you to this site with a lot of popups. Generally speaking, it sneaks into your PC via bundling with free downloads from the Internet. Then it will alter your browser settings without your approval. When you want to search someting, or open the tabs you like, you are always redirected to this website. What's more, your privacy or sensitive information my be collected by the authors of it.

Some features of go.mobappdirect.com.

It is a browser hijacker that is able to hijack your browsers without your approval.

It can show a lot of popups on your computer screen.

You are always redirected to websites with a lot of popups.

Your PC is degraded by the eating up of system resources for junk files.

How to avoid the installation of go.mobappdirect.com?

Never click or open junk email attachments.

Don't visit or browse malicious websites with unhealthy content.

Never visit common websites that are hacked by hackers.

Never download and install free downloads with default settings.

You are going to remove Go.mobappdirect.com Popups.

Solution 1 Get rid of Go.mobappdirect.com Popups with Manual way.

In case any mistake might occur and cause accidental damage during the removal of Go.mobappdirect.com Popups, please spend some time in making a backup beforehand. Then follow these steps given as below.

Step one: Press Ctrl+Alt+Del keys together and stop Go.mobappdirect.com Popups processes in the Windows Task Manager.

Step two: Find out the following files relative to Go.mobappdirect.com Popups and then delete them all.


Step three: Search the following registry entries in your Registry Editor and then remove all of them.




HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main "Default_Page_URL" =

"http://www.<random>.com/?type=hp&ts=<timestamp>&from=tugs&uid=<hard drive id>"

Solution 2. Automatic Removal Guide

Step One: Install SpyHunter

1) Download SpyHunter here or click the below button to download the file.


2) Double click on SpyHunter-Installer.exe to install the program.

3) After the installation, click Finish.

Step Two: Fix all the detected threats with SpyHunter

1) Open SpyHunter and click Scan Computer Now to allow the program to start a scan on your computer.

2) SpyHunter will now start scanning your computer as shown below.

3) When the scan is completed, all the threats in your computer are successfully detected. Click Select All and then click Remove button to uninstall it.

Note: SpyHunter is a leagal and useful antivirus program that can give your PC real-time protection. You can download SpyHunter here and run a scan on your computer after its installation is complete.

Step Three: Optimize Your PC

If you want to speed up the performance of your computer, remove your privacy items produced by online searches, delete junk files and uninstall malware, you are advised to have a reliable optimizer such as TuneUp Utilities, Advanced SystemCare, RegCure Pro and 360Amigo System Speedup. Here takes RegCure Pro as an example.
1) Download RegCure Pro here or click the below button to download the file.


2) Run the RegCureProSetup Application and click the Yes button to install the program step by step.

3) When the program is successfully installed, double click on its desktop shortcut to open it. On the Overview tab, check all the scan settings and then click on the Click to Start Scan button to run a system scan on your computer. The first system scan will take some time, please be patient.

The screenshot of the system scan progress is shown below.

4) When the system scan is done, click on Fix All button to completely remove all the performance problems in your computer.


RegCurePro is good at solving all kinds of issues on your system such as detecting virus, deleting and renewing your system.Moreover, it specializes in optimizing your computer with its advanced technique.

Solution 3. Similar Video Removal Guide for Reference


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