
Cannot Stop jsn.donecore.net - jsn.donecore.net Removal Guide

Your homepage is redirected to jsn.donecore.net? Cannot set it back to normal? Learn what jsn.donecore.net is first, and removal guide to get rid of jsn.donecore.net completely from your computer.

Jsn.donecore.net Description

Jsn.donecore.net is a browser hijacker virus that annoys users’ online activities seriously. It pops up as homepages each time users open their browsers. If the target computer is infected seriously, all their browsers including Internet Explorer, Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox can be affected. Search results can be redirected to unfamiliar web pages or jsn.donecore.net related pages. Users may get commercial advertisements once infected with this annoying browser hijacker virus.

Jsn.donecore.net drops malicious files and registry entries to your computer once infected, and installs malicious toolbar and add-ons to your browsers so that it can change the default browser settings such as home pages, DNS settings, default search engines and so on. What is more, jsn.donecore.net monitors users’ online activities by reviewing the searching histories and cookies. Sensitive information might be collected in this way.

Jsn.donecore.net browser hijacker comes with other programs or games from the Internet. It can also be distributed via spam email attachments and hacked web sites. Users have to be careful when surfing the Internet.

Properties of Jsn.donecore.net

1. Jsn.donecore.net comes with other download from the Internet without any of your permission;

2. Jsn.donecore.net changes default browser settings such as homepages, DNS settings an default search engines;

3. Jsn.donecore.net injects malicious files and registry entries to target system, and installs malicious toolbar and add-ons to browsers;

4. Jsn.donecore.net may displays users commercial advertisements and bring other infections and threats to the compromised computer;

Guide to Remove / Stop Jsn.donecore.net

Solution one: uninstall Jsn.donecore.net browser hijacker manually.

1. Close all running processes
Before you end its relevant malicious processes shown as below, please make certain you have saved and close all the running files or any other applications first.

2. Delete virus files
The related files can be looked for through the Internet; you just then search for these files on your pc and delete them manually.

%AllUsersProfile%\Programs\{random letters}\
%AllUsersProfile%\Application Data\~r
%AllUsersProfile%\Application Data\~dll

3. Remove malicious registry entries
Jsn.donecore.net adds corrupt entries in the compromised computer's registry so it can hide deeply without you knowing. Again search for and delete the related registry entries listed below:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings “CertificateRevocation” = ‘1’
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Attachments “SaveZoneInformation” = ‘0’

4. reset IE Home Page 
Select Start Menu > Control Panel > Internet Options > General>>Type your preferred home page's URL>>Click "Use Default," "Apply," and "OK."

5. Reset DNS:
Set the DNS as Google’s public DNS: Click Start menu >> Control Panel >> View network and tasks >> change adapter settings >> right click the net work adapter you are using (LAN or WLAN) >> properties >> double click Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) >> use the following DNS server addresses >> set the Preferred DNS server as

6. Restart your computer so that you can save the changes you made just now.

Video Guide to Remove Browser Hijacker Virus

Solution two: automatically remove Jsn.donecore.net browser hijacker  with SpyHunter.

Step 1. Download SpyHunter by clicking the icon below to remove Jsn.donecore.net browser hijacker

Step 2. Follow the instructions to install SpyHunter on your computer.

Step 3. Run a full scanning to pick out the malicious files related to Jsn.donecore.net browser hijacker, and then delete them completely.

Step 4. Restart your computer to make sure your computer works normally again.

Notes: There are two available methods to remove Jsn.donecore.net browser hijacker, but manual removal is not available for most users because it is too complicated to operate. If you are not adept at computer, you will be easy to make mistakes to cause further damage to the infected system, which it is usually out of the operator’s expectation. So we strongly advise you to use SpyHunter to remove Jsn.donecore.net browser hijacker automatically, which is easy, effective, and preventive.

>>> SpyHunter is useful to remove browser hijacker, such as Search.offersbar.com browser hijacker.

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