
Level Quality Watcher Removal Guide

Infected with Level Quality Watcher? Have no ideas how to get rid of it? You need to learn something about Level Quality Watcher before you try to remove it. 

What Is Level Quality Watcher?

Level Quality Watcher is a malware program which is able to cause many computer problems for users. It is packed with games or share programs on the Internet, and is installed with free downloads from the Internet when users download or update programs or others from the Internet. It can also be distributed via spam email attachments or hacked web sites. Once installed, Level Quality Watcher drops malicious files and registry entries to system, which will occupy a large space of CPU usage, and therefore, slowdown the system running and degrade the computer performance. Users may come across other problems if their computer is infected with Level Quality Watcher. Homepages may be replaced by unfamiliar web sites, and search results may be redirected to unsafe web pages. Besides, to change the default browser settings, malicious toolbars and add-ons will be installed to browsers.

What Level Quality Watcher Will Do to My Computer?

1. Level Quality Watcher comes into your computer sneakily with other downloads from the Internet;

2. Level Quality Watcher drops malicious files and registry entries to the target system;

3. Level Quality Watcher causes browser problems and changes the default browser settings;

4. Level Quality Watcher installs malicious toolbar and add-ons to browsers;

5. Level Quality Watcher degrades computer running and slowdown system running speed;

Guide to Remove Level Quality Watcher

Method one: guide to remove Level Quality Watcher manually.

1) Boot your computer into Safe Mode with Networking.
To perform this procedure, please restart your computer and keep pressing F8 key until Windows Advanced Options menu shows up, then using arrow key to select “Safe Mode with Networking” from the list and press ENTER to get into that mode.

2) Press Ctrl+Alt+Del keys together to pull up Window Task Manager and end suspicious processes:

3) Check the following directories and remove all these associated files:

%AllUsersProfile%\Application Data\ Level Quality Watcher.dll
%AllUsersProfile%\Application Data\ Level Quality Watcher.exe
%ProgramFiles%\ Win32/ Level Quality Watcher.exe

4) Open Registry Editor by navigating to Start Menu, type in Regedit, and then click OK. When you have been in Registry Editor, please remove the following related registry entries:

HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\InternetSettings\ApplicationData\Level QualityWatcherAp
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\run\ Application Data\ Level Quality Watcher
HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run | Application Data\ Level Quality Watcher

5) After you finish the above steps, please reboot your computer and get in normal mode to check the effectiveness.

Method two: guide to uninstall Level Quality Watcher automatically with SpyHunter.

Step one:  Download Spyhunter antivirus program by clicking the icon below;

Step two: Click on Download, and then install SpyHunter on your computer by following the hints step by step.
Step three: Do a full scanning and then remove every threats caused by Level Quality Watcher.
Step four: Reboot your computer and check it again to make sure that Level Quality Watcher is gone completely.

Notes: Automatic removal with SpyHunter is more effective than manual removal. In addition, manual removal is too difficult to handle. So I strongly advise using SpyHunter to remove  Level Quality Watcher. SpyHunter , a well-known anti-virus program, is designed specifically to remove different kinds of virus and protect computers daily.

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