
My Files are Encrypted by Cryptorbit Ransom - Cryptorbit Ransom Removal Guide

All files including videos, photos, and documents, etc on your computer are encrypted.
Encryption wad produced using a unique public key generated for this computer. To decrypt files, you need to obtain the private key.
The single copy of the private key, which will allow you to decrypt the files, located on a secrete server on the Internet; the server will destroy the key after a time specified in this window. After that, nobody and never will be able to restore files.
File decryption costs ~ $ 50.
Follow the instructions on the web sites we offered above. We remind you that the sooner you do, the more changes are left to recover the files.
Guaranteed recovery is provided within 10 days. 

Get Infected with Offerwizard Pop-ups – Offerwizard Ads Removal Instruction

“I cannot stop Offerwizard when I browse the Internet. What bring this Offerwizard to me? I don’t know what it is at all. Can anyone help? Explain it to me and give me a piece of suggestion?”

You are not the only one who gets this Offerwizard ads pop-up. It comes to your computer with free downloads such as share programs on the Internet, or it can be distributed via spam email attachments or hacked web sites.

“It seems that I need to be careful when surfing the Internet. Then what will Offerwizard do to my computer besides showing those ads?”

Redirected to Outfox? Outfox.TV removal Instruction!

I am Infected with Outfox (Outfox TV)!

Outfox, or Outfox TV (http://outfox.tv/), is a browser hijacker infection that sneaks into users’ computer without your notice. Do you want to know who is experiencing this bug as you? Let’s take a look here, so you know you are not alone with this annoying browser hijacker virus:


Redirected to Redirsvc.com – How to Remove Redirsvc.com

“What can I do to remove Redirsvc.com? I have tried everything I can.” If you have the same experience, we help you know something about Redirsvc.com, and walk you through the steps to get out of Redirsvc.com.

I Am Redirected to Redirsvc.com

The Redirsvc, or http://redirsvc.com, is a browser hijacker infection that annoys users for a long time. It is not as dangerous as Trojan or worms, but it causes problems to computer users. The first problem is your homepages are replaced by Redirsvc.com. If your computer is infected seriously, you cannot use your browsers at all because whatever web sites you open, it jump to Redirsvc.com, or new tabs open automatically and take you to this annoying thing.

Hijacked by Crackle - Crackle.com Removal Steps

Crackle (or Crackle.com) is a browser hijacker computer infection which is detected in 2012. However, it seems that Crackle.com stages a comeback recently. Crackle states that it provides movies, free TV shows and original series online; however, it keeps popping up and disturbs users’ online activities, showing many video news, TV trailer, or links to TV shows. The problem is it takes place of homepages of browsers, and what is more, users seem to have no ideas to get it out of their computers. It just pops up automatically when you open your browsers, or new tabs jump out to Crackle.com when you are surfing the Internet.


Hijacked by Default-Search.net? Learn to Remove and Disable Default-Search.net

Default-Search.net is classified as a browser hijacker or redirection computer infection for it is able to causes browser problems and annoys users’ online activities seriously. Default-Search.net pops up as your homepages whenever you browse the Internet, and whatever browser you use. In another word, it can affect all your browsers. It pretends to be a useful search engine; however, it comes sneakily without users’ permission. Usually speaking, Default-Search.net is bundled with share programs on the Internet, or distributed itself via spam email attachments or hacked web sites.

Remove Worm:VBS/Jenxcus.K - Worm:VBS/Jenxcus.K Uninstall Guide

Worm:VBS/Jenxcus.K is a dangerous computer infection that corrupts computer functions seriously. Here we learn this worm infection from cases.

Case Study

Case 1

Got Worm:VBS/Jenxcus.K, I thought I have removed it from my computer, but my anti-virus popped up threat alert, stating Worm:VBS/Jenxcus.K. I removed it again and again, but it keeps coming back. So what can I do to get rid of Worm:VBS/Jenxcus.K completely from my computer? I swear I have tried everything I can. My computer is Windows 7 Ultimate. 

Analyze: in this case, the essential files belong to Worm:VBS/Jenxcus.K  hide deeply behind your system, so it is hard to detect.


Blocked by Alertpatrol.com? Stop.policeguard.alertpatrol.com Removal Guide

Hijacked by Stop.policeguard.alertpatrol.com? If you are infected with this browser hijacker unluckily, you have to remove it as soon as you can.

Hijacked by Stop.policeguard.alertpatrol.com

Stop.policeguard.alertpatrol.com is a browser hijacker virus that can replace users’ homepages and redirect your search results. All browsers including Internet Explorer, Google Chrome or Firefox can be affected. Whenever you open your browsers, Stop.policeguard.alertpatrol.com pops up as your homepages. New tabs can be opened automatically and redirect to this web site. If your browsers are infected seriously, you cannot use your browsers at all, for whatever pages you want to open, you will be taken to this web site, which prevent you from browsing the Internet.


Guide to Remove / Get Rid of Adware Generic4.CGOU

Case Study 

Adware Generic4.CGOU is an adware program, while this malicious adware causes many computer problems. Here let’s look at this case:

“AVG reported finding this 

C:\ProgramData\Tarma installer\{889DF117-14DI 
infection Adware Generic 4.CGOU 

I clicked remove and it secured it. 
Then I turned it off and when I came back it froze when it was loading. It then sent me to Computer Repair. Do I still have it? 
Please tell me how to remove it without the use of software.”

In this situation, Adware Generic4.CGOU is still in the infected computer. Usually speaking, an adware program does not disable other programs’ running; seem your computer is infected seriously in this case. You need to get into the safe mode with net working before you remove this adware. So let’s learn more about this Adware Generic4.CGOU.

How to Remove/ Uninstall Suspicious.Cloud.7.ep Virus

Info of Suspicious.Cloud.7.ep

Name: Suspicious.Cloud.7.ep
Type: Trojan 
Detected by: Norton
Risk: high-level
System infected: windows based operating system

Am I Infected with Suspicious.Cloud.7.ep?

Suspicious.Cloud.7.ep is firstly detected by Norton. While it comes back again and again even though Norton has removed it. Anyway, Suspicious.Cloud.7.ep is a Trojan virus that can damage your computer system and steal users’ private information. It creates malicious files and registry entries to your system once infected. Startup items are changes so that it can be activated with the system booting. Files of system and programs can be corrupted, so you will find that your computer runs weirdly, for example, it shuts down and restarts randomly, or runs extremely slow.


How to Remove / Uninstall Win32/Spy.Zbot.ABC

Infected with Win32/Spy.Zbot.ABC? Anti-virus programs cannot deal with it? You will get all your answers from this passage, and learn to remove Win32/Spy.Zbot.ABC.

What Is Win32/Spy.Zbot.ABC?

Win32/Spy.Zbot.ABC is not only a combination of numbers and letters, but a name of a dangerous Trojan virus. It comes from unknown places but hacked web sites, spam email attachments, or share programs are the sources in most of the cases. Malicious files and registry entries are injected to your system. It changes its files names and locations. What is worse, it changes programs’ and system’s files names. System is messed up, and programs cannot run properly as this matter. Startup items will be changed once it comes so that it can be activated with the system booting.

Get Adware Generic5.AJZH Pop-ups? Adware Generic5.AJZH Removal Guide!

Got ads pop-ups from Adware Generic5.AJZH? Yes, not a computer virus strictly speaking, but annoying enough to disturb your online activities.

>>I am Infected with Adware Generic5.AJZH

Adware Generic5.AJZH pops up and displays various kinds of advertisements to users, which disturbs users’ online activities seriously. All browsers can be affected with this annoying ad program; however, users never know where it comes from. Maybe someday you downloaded something, or updated a share program from the Internet, and it came together, because Adware Generic5.AJZH is able to bundle with programs on the Internet. It can be packed with spam email attachments or hacked web sites.
Adware Generic5.AJZH cannot be identified as a computer viruse strictly speaking because it will not damage system or programs files, shuts down computer randomly, or cause blue screen problems. However, it changes default browser settings and annoys users’ online activities. Besides the ads pop-ups, Adware Generic5.AJZH is able to redirect homepage or any search results to random or even unsafe web pages. If your computer is infected seriously, you cannot use your browsers at all.


Trojan.BetaBot Activity 3 Removal Guide

Trojan.BetaBot Activity 3 Is A Big Threat to Your Computer

Trojan.BetaBot Activity 3 is a dangerous Trojan which is able to damage your computer system seriously. It comes with share programs on the Internet when users download or update programs from the Internet. It can also distribute itself by spam email attachments or hacked web sites. Trojan.BetaBot Activity 3 is able to open backdoors on the infected computer, and invite other threats and viruses to target system. What is worse, it can connect the infected computer to a remote server, helping hackers and cyber criminals taking control of your computer and stealing the private information stored in your computer.

Cannot Uninstall Turbo Your PC - Turbo Your PC Removal Guide

Did you install Turbo Your PC by yourself? If not, how can it be in your PC? Here is some basic knowledge about Turbo Your PC, and removal guides to help you uninstall Turbo Your PC step-by-step. 

Customers Told Us: 

Customers told us that they have never installed Turbo Your PC, or installed it by accident in some cases, but it popped up as soon as they started their computer, and began to scan their computers. Piles of viruses and threats are displayed to users. However, if you try to remove those viruses and threats, you will be asked to purchase the so-called full version of it. This is totally a scam, because the only threat in your computer is Turbo Your PC malware program, in reality. However, when you realize that Turbo Your PC is a malware program and try to uninstall it, you have no idea what you can do, because it cannot be removed normally.

How to Remove FixCleaner – FixCleaner Uninstall

FixCleaner is a computer optimize program which aims to fix computer errors and optimizes computer running. While many users found it cannot be uninstalled normally. So let’s learn something about it, and get a method to remove FixCleaner. 

Cannot Uninstall FixCleaner?

FixCleaner is a legal program that fixes computer errors, optimizes computer running, and cleans junk files stored in your computer. While it is not work as perfect as imagine. The biggest problem is it cannot be uninstalled in normal ways. Some of them said they cannot find it in Control Panel, or they click Uninstall a program, nothing happened. Other users complained that when they try to uninstall it, it updated instead; or when you click Shunt down, it asks you to purchase the full version of it.


What Is Websteroids - Websteroids Uninstall Guide

Get infected with Websteroids? You will know something about Websteroids, and learn a guide to remove Websteroids from this passage by yourself.

General Knowledge about Websteroids 

Websteroids injects malicious files and registry entries to your system as soon as it came, and installs malicious toolbar and add-ons to your browsers. No browsers can escape attack from this Websteroids adware, according to users’ experience. Lets’ see what Websteroids will do to your computer once infected:

1. Websteroids is an adware program -> not as dangerous as Trojan or worms, and cannot be identified as a computer virus in essential
2. Websteroids hides its files deeply behind the system
3. Websteroids installs malicious toolbar, add-ons and browser extension to your browsers

Get Christmas Sale of Advanced SystemCare Pro Pop-up? No! Look at Here to Remove Christmas Sale of Advanced SystemCare Pro from Your Computer!

Christmas is on the corner, did you get Christmas Sale of Advanced SystemCare Pro? But be careful, this is not a gift from Santa Clause, but bomb to your computer thrown by cyber criminals! Read this passage to know Christmas Sale of Advanced SystemCare Pro.

What Is Christmas Sale of Advanced SystemCare Pro?

Christmas Sale of Advanced SystemCare Pro shows up on your screen when you browse your web page? It will display the following information:

Get an ultimate PC performance booster and a super gift pack
200% faster PC, 300% faster Internet, no more junk file, safe online surfing
Advanced System Care Pro 7
The Festival season, don’t let PC problems ruin your holiday fun
Get the gift now!

Hijacked by Govome Virus? http://govome.inspsearch.com/ Removal Guide!

Get infected with Govome (http://govome.inspsearch.com/)? Read this passage to know this browser hijacker.

http://govome.inspsearch.com/ , also Govome, can be classified as a browser hijacker virus. It pretends to be a legal search engine, which is able to replace the homepages of browsers, and change your default search engines. In fact, it changes the default browser settings, and malicious toolbar and add-ons have been installed to your browsers; that is why your homepages and default search engines can be changed. Malicious files and registry entries have been injected to your system as soon as it same to your PC.


Jst.pathopen.net Removal Guide - Jst.pathopen.net Uninstall

You are redirected to Jst.pathopen.net? This is a browser hijacker that will disturb users’ online activities seriously. Read this passage to know it and learn a method to remove Jst.pathopen.net from your computer. 

Jst.pathopen.net Description

Jst.pathopen.net can be classified as a browser hijacker virus. It pops up automatically when users open their browsers. Information related to programs download are displayed. Here we give two examples:

Flash Video Downloader is required to download online video
100% free update
Watch HD movies online
Supports FLV/Flash
Beautiful HD video, faster graphics rendering, and high performance

Your JAVA download is ready!
Click here to continue
Version 7 update 45

Am I Infected with Trojan.Dorkbot.ED? How to Remove Trojan.Dorkbot.ED?

Basic Information of Trojan.Dorkbot.ED

Name: Trojan.Dorkbot.ED
Risk-level: high
Target operating system: windows based system

Trojan.Dorkbot.ED Description

Trojan.Dorkbot.ED is classified as a high-level risk Trojan horse virus. It drops malicious files and registry entries to target system once installed, and changes its files names and locations very often. Trojan.Dorkbot.ED can not only change its files names, but also programs’ and system’s files names. System running is messed up, and programs cannot work normally if their files and entries are corrupted.

Infected with Search-india.net? Search-india.net Removal Instruction

What is Search-india.net? Why does it keep popping up? How can it come to my computer? You must have many questions if your computer is infected with Search-india.net. You will get all your answers from this passage and learn a way to remove Search-india.net from your computer. 

What Is Search-india.net?

Search-india.net can be classified as a browser hijacker virus because it hijacks homepages and redirects users’ search results. Usually it displays many ads or links related various kinds of commercial products. Users are not suggested to click those links and ads, or you will be redirected to unfamiliar or even unsafe web sites; other infections or viruses can be installed to this compromised computer in this way. If you purchase products from this Search-india.net, your credit card number might be revealed to hackers or designers of this web site. Therefore, Search-india.net is not friendly to your PC.


Redirected to Goggle.com - Goggle.com Removal Guide!

Are you redirected to Goggle.com when you surf the Internet? It is Goggle.com, not Google.com, don’t mess them up! So you know Goggle.com is not a good thing now? Read this passage to know what is Goggle.com, and learn a guide to remove Goggle.com from your computer. 

I am Infected with Goggle.com:

1. Goggle.com hijacks my homepages;

2. Goggle.com changes my default browser settings;

3. Goggle.com provides me useless information;

4. My computer runs badly once infected with Goggle.com.

Should I Remove Windows Efficiency Console? Windows Efficiency Console Uninstall Guide!

Windows Efficiency Console told me my computer is unsafe? Yes, it is time to fix your computer! However, what you need to pay attention is Windows Efficiency Console, but not those problems it shows you. Learn the basic information about Windows Efficiency Console.

When Did Windows Efficiency Console Come to My Computer?

Users may get warnings from Windows Efficiency Console stating that there are infections, threats or errors in your computer. However, it seems that Windows Efficiency Console is suspicious because you even never know this program before, and I am sure you have never installed it to your computer. Then, how can it get into your PC? In the matter of fact, Windows Efficiency Console comes with share programs on the Internet, and is installed when you download or update programs from the Internet. In another words, it comes without your permission.


How to Stop FindADeal – FindADeal Removal Guide!

You need to pay close attention to your computer security if you got Ads by FindADeal. Let’s get to know something about FindADeal, and learn a way to get rid of FindADeal from your computer. 

A Brief Introduction of FindADeal

FindADeal (Ads by FindADeal), is an adware program that is able to display users many advertisements. It pops up when you open your browsers. In fact, all browsers installed in your computer including Internet Explorer, Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox can be affected with this annoying ads program. Various kinds of advertisements such as clothes, electronic products, online shopping or coupon codes can be shown to users. Users are not recommended to click those ads or links, because you may be redirected to unfamiliar or even unsafe web sites, other infections or threats can be injected to your computer in this way. What is more, if you purchase things from those ads or links, your personal information such as credit card number and passwords might be revealed to hackers or designer of this ad program.


Annoyed by Search Donkey? Search Donkey Removal Guide!

You need to know Search Donkey if you got ads pop-ups from it. Learn to remove Search Donkey manually from this post.

Search Donkey Description

Search Donkey is a malware program which acts as a platform offering all kinds of advertisements. Clothes, computer optimizer programs, electronic products or coupon codes can be displayed to users. It keeps popping up and cannot be stopped because it shows up time and time again even though you close its window. Never click those links and ads, nor purchase anything from the Search Donkey. It is able to collect your credit card information if you purchase products from it.


Severe Weather Alerts Removal Instruction

Severe Weather Alerts Description

Severe Weather Alerts, though cannot be identified as a dangerous computer virus strictly speaking, can be classified as a malware program. It pops up when users open their browsers, and displays users many fake weather information, such as earth quake, storms, floods and other extreme weather. You cannot ignore this fake info however, because it keeps showing up even though you close this window. In fact, malicious files and registry entries have been injected to your system as soon as it came, and malicious toolbar and add-ons have been installed to browsers. You cannot use your browsers at all if all your browsers are infected unluckily, but we still have ways to remove Severe Weather Alerts from your computer. Users come across browser hijacker or redirection problems once infected; that is because Severe Weather Alerts is able to change the default browser settings. What is worse, Severe Weather Alerts monitors users’ online activities and collects sensitive information by reviewing in-put search keywords, histories and cookies, which offers a reason to let us call it a computer virus.

Infected with Gir.driveropti.net? Gir.driveropti.net Removal Guide!

Your browsers are infected with Gir.driveropti.net? Which browser is infected? Know the basic information of Gir.driveropti.net first, and then learn to remove Gir.driveropti.net effectively.

Redirected by Gir.driveropti.net? Learn Something of Gir.driveropti.net from Here!

Gir.driveropti.net is a browser hijacker virus which pops up as your homepage and disturbs your online activities. It injects malicious files and registry entries to your system, and installs malicious toolbars and add-ons to your browsers. None of your browsers including Internet Explorer, Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox can survive if your computer is infected seriously. Homepages will definitely be replaced by Gir.driveropti.net, some users come across redirection problems as well, which means, whatever web pages they try to open, they are redirected to Gir.driveropti.net page.


Hijacked by Ww91.miamisnorkeling.net? Ww91.miamisnorkeling.net Removal Method!

Ww91.miamisnorkeling.net has affected many computers recently. If your computer is infected with this annoying Ww91.miamisnorkeling.net, you can learn it from this passage and get a step-by-step guide to remove it completely. 

What Is Ww91.miamisnorkeling.net?

Ww91.miamisnorkeling.net can be classified as a browser hijacker virus because it replaces your homepages and redirects your search results when users surf the Internet. It drops malicious files and registry entries to system once injected. Malicious toolbar and add-ons will be installed together. In another word, default browser settings including DNS settings will be changes by Ww91.miamisnorkeling.net. Users are curious that how and when it comes to your computer. In a matter of fact, Ww91.miamisnorkeling.net browser hijacker distributes itself via hacked web sites or spam email attachments. It can also be bundled with share programs on the Internet, and is installed when users download or update programs from the Internet.


How to Remove Smart Guard Protection - Smart Guard Protection Uninstall Guide

Smart Guard Protection is a fake anti-virus program, you should not believe any information is offers to you, and you need to remove it as soon as you can to protect your computer. Read this passage to know more about it.

Smart Guard Protection Description

Smart Guard Protection is classified as a fake anti-virus program, or rogue program. It pops up immediately and begins to scan your computer when you boot up your computer. Many threats and errors are displayed to users after scanning, suggesting users to remove all of the threats and fix those errors with Smart Guard Protection immediately. However, when users try to fix their computer with Smart Guard Protection, they are asked to purchase the full version of it. So that is the point. In the matter of fact, the threats and errors displayed by Smart Guard Protection are totally fake information. It aims to rogue users’ money from innocent users by scaring them with fake threats info. Users are not suggested to purchase the Smart Guard Protection because your credit card info might be revealed to designer of it.

How to Remove Comcast Copyright Infringement Ransom- Comcast Copyright Infringement Scan Uninstall Tips

If your computer is infected with Comcast Copyright Infringement, do not pay the ransom. You should remove it as soon as we can because it blocks users’ computers or browsers. Remove Comcast Copyright Infringement according to this passage first.

Comcast Copyright Infringement Description

Comcast Copyright Infringement is a ransom program that aims to collect money from innocent users. This is a new ransom virus that invades computers without users’ permission. It claims that users have to pay a certain amount of money because they violate items of laws related to copyright. Computer or browsers are locked before you pay this ransom. Users have no idea how to remove Comcast Copyright Infringement. However, users who have paid this ransom told us that their screen is still locked even though they paid the ransom. So what users need to do is to remove, but not pay the Comcast Copyright Infringement ransom.

How to Stop Ww98.londonfestivals.net Pop-up - Ww98.londonfestivals.net Removal Guide

Browsers are redirected to Ww98.londonfestivals.net? You can learn something about this annoying thing before you try to remove it. 

Ww98.londonfestivals.net Introduction

Ww98.londonfestivals.net can be classified as a browser hijacker virus which acts as a platform for commercial ads. Usually it replaces the homepage of browsers, and all browsers can be affected with this annoying pop-up. All kinds of ads including commercial products, travel info, clothes, electronic products and so on. These products earn web traffic by hijacking browsers, which is an unethical promotion way. If your computer is infected seriously, your search results may be redirected to this page, or other ads pages. Users are not recommended to click those ads or buy products in this way.


How to Remove Windows Activity Booster - Windows Activity Booster Uninstall Guide

If you got waning messages from Windows Activity Booster, then you have to be careful of Windows Activity Booster, rather than those info displayed by it. Learn more about Windows Activity Booster and get an instruction to remove Windows Activity Booster. 

Windows Activity Booster Introduction

Windows Activity Booster is a fake anti-virus program that comes to your computer without any of your permission. Usually speaking, it is bundled with programs or free downloads on the Internet. Sometimes it is packed on the spam email attachments or hacked web sites. Users have to be careful when surfing the Internet and downloading the programs from the Internet.

Windows Activity Booster scans your computer as soon as you boot your computer, and displays many infections and errors to users. However, all the information it displays is fake. You can see this because when you try to remove all those infections, and fix all the errors, you are asked to purchase the full version of Windows Activity Booster. In the matter of fact, Windows Activity Booster aims to rogue money from innocent users by scaring users with fake information.

[Solved] How to Remove Rvzr2-a.akamaihd.net Pop-up

Redirected by Rvzr2-a.akamaihd.net, but now you have a solution. This passage will give you a brief introduction of Rvzr2-a.akamaihd.net, and a step-by-step guide to remove it.

What Is Rvzr2-a.akamaihd.net

Rvzr2-a.akamaihd.net can be identified as a browser hijacker virus which causes browser problems for users. It is a variation of Rvzr-a.akamaihd.net, which has affected many computers recently. When users open their browsers, they are redirected to Rvzr2-a.akamaihd.net automatically. Commercial advertisements will be displayed to users on the Rvzr2-a.akamaihd.net, which include clothes, commercial products, coupon codes, online shopping or electronic products. Or they may get browser update message:

 It is recommended that you update your browser to the latest version to view this page, please update to continue. 

Get Rid of Trojan:Win32/Manype.A - Trojan:Win32/Manype.A Removal Guide

Your computer is infected with Trojan:Win32/Manype.A? Learn Trojan:Win32/Manype.A from here and catch a guide to remove Trojan:Win32/Manype.A completely from your computer.

Trojan:Win32/Manype.A Description

Trojan:Win32/Manype.A is a newly detected Trojan virus which sneaks into users’ computer without any of their permission. Usually speaking, Trojan:Win32/Manype.A is bundled with free programs on the Internet, and is installed when users download or update softwares from the Internet. It can also be distributed via spam email attachments or hacked web sites. So users have to be careful when surfing the Internet, and are not suggested to download extra plug-ins or toolbars when downloading programs from the Internet.

How to Remove AntiVirus Plus 2014 - AntiVirus Plus 2014 Uninstall Guide

Get warning message from AntiVirus Plus 2014? Cannot remove those threats with AntiVirus Plus 2014? Do you know what is AntiVirus Plus 2014? Learn something about AntiVirus Plus 2014, then you will see why you have so many threats in your computer.

AntiVirus Plus 2014 Description

Users are scared that they get warning massage from AntiVirus Plus 2014 stating that there are many threats and errors in their computer. However, when they try to remove those threats and fix the errors, they are asked to purchase the full version of AntiVirus Plus 2014. Users have to notice that AntiVirus Plus 2014 is a fake anti-virus program. It aims to ransom money from innocent users by displaying fake warning message and asking users to pay the AntiVirus Plus 2014. Users should not trust those information displayed by AntiVirus Plus 2014.


How to Get Rid of Win32:Fareit-LM [Trj] - Win32:Fareit-LM [Trj] Removal Guide

Have problems to remove Win32:Fareit-LM [Trj]? Do you know how does your computer be infected? You can get your answers from this passage, and learn a guide to remove Win32:Fareit-LM [Trj]. 

Win32:Fareit-LM [Trj] Description

Win32:Fareit-LM [Trj] is a Trojan virus which is evil enough to cause damages to your computer. Anyway, you need to check your computer all-over once infected, for it is able to bring other viruses and threats to your computer. Win32:Fareit-LM [Trj open backdoors on the infected computer to offer an access for viruses coming into your computer. It connects the infected computer to a remote server. Hackers and cyber criminals are able to tack control of your computer via the remote server. Personal information such as bank account, credit card number, email password, documents or photos may be used by hackers for illegal purpose.


Infected with PSW.Win32.Fareit.acqv - PSW.Win32.Fareit.acqv Removal Guide

If your computer is infected with PSW.Win32.Fareit.acqv, you have to take action as soon as you can. Learn some basic information about PSW.Win32.Fareit.acqv.

PSW.Win32.Fareit.acqv Description

First, let’s take a glance of members o PSW.Win32.Fareit family: PSW.Win32.Fareit.acqv, PSW.Win32.Fareit!C, PSW.Win32.Fareit!E, DDoS.Win32.Fareit!A , and so on. You even cannot imagine how large this family is.

PSW.Win32.Fareit.acqv drops malicious files and registry entries to target system once infected. Startup items are changes so that it can be launched automatically each time when users boot their computers. System files and program files can be corrupted, which can explain why system works weirdly, and programs do not response sometimes. In the matter of fact, PSW.Win32.Fareit.acqv open backdoors on the infected computer, and invites other viruses and threats to target PC. What is worse, it connects the infected computer to a remote server so that hackers and cyber criminals are able to take control of the infected computer via the remote server.


How Can I Remove Jss.donetri.net - Jss.donetri.net Uninstall Guide

Are you infected with Jss.donetri.net? How can it come to your computer? Read this passage to learn something about it and learn to remove Jss.donetri.net from your PC.

Jss.donetri.net Is A Big Threat to Your Computer

1. Jss.donetri.net is identified as a browser hijacker virus;

2. Jss.donetri.net replaces homepages and redirects search results;

3. Jss.donetri.net changes default browser settings;

4. Jss.donetri.net drops malicious files and registry entries to target system;

5. Jss.donetri.net installs malicious toolbar and ass-ons to browsers;

6. Jss.donetri.net comes to your computer without your permission;


Guide to Remove / Uninstall Zoom Downloader

Do you have problems with Zoom Downloader? If your answer is Yes, then you have to remove Zoom Downloader as soon as possible. Learn some basic knowledge of it and try to remove Zoom Downloader.

Zoom Downloader Description

Zoom Downloader is a malware that will cause many computer problems. You can see an icon on your desktop once installed. Zoom Downloader is able to cause browser hijacker problems, which will change your default browser settings such as home pages and default search engines. It also degrades computer performance and injects other malwares into your compromised computer. What is worse, Zoom Downloader prevents users from downloading anything from the Internet. If you try to download something, you will get message stating that Zoom Downloader has stopped working. Besides, you cannot open email attachments once infected with Zoom Downloader.

Get infected with Smart Web Search - Smartwebsearch.com Removal Guide

Basic Information of Smartwebsearch.com

Smartwebsearch.com shows up on your screen one day you open your browsers. I am not sure all your browsers have been infected with this Smartwebsearch.com, but it is able to affect all browsers including Internet Explorer, Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox, indeed. Smartwebsearch.com is a browser hijacker virus which has been popular for a long time. It drops malicious files and registry entries to infected system, and installs malicious toolbars and add-ons to browsers so that it can cause browser chaos. Users find that their homepages are replaced by Smartwebsearch.com, and search results may be redirected to this annoying page or other unfamiliar pages as well.

How to Remove l.yimg.com - l.yimg.com Uninstall Guide

Does l.yimg.com keep popping up? Can you stop it? Did you install it by yourself? Let’s go to learn more about l.yimg.com and a guide to remove it. 

What Is l.yimg.com?

l.yimg.com is a browser hijacker virus which acts as a platform to display various kinds of commercial advertisements including clothes, computer optimizer programs, electronic products, or coupons codes. While users are not suggested to click those ads and links because you will be led to unfamiliar web pages, and other infections and viruses may be injected to the compromised computer in this way.

Guide to Remove / Uninstall JS/Agent.NKW Trojan

JS/Agent.NKW Trojan Description

JS/Agent.NKW Trojan is a dangerous Trojan horse virus. You can find other variations of JS/Agent Trojan such as JS/Agent.cca Trojan. JS/Agent.NKW Trojan causes problems for users. Users will find that computer shuts down and restarts randomly, which will cause hardware problem. Users may come across browser hijacker problems, which means, when users open their browsers, they get an unfamiliar web page, instead of the original one.


Guide to Remove / Uninstall Windows Active HotSpot

You got information from Windows Active HotSpot? Have you ever install Windows Active HotSpot to your computer? If no, then how can it be activated automatically with your system booting? Read this passage to know Windows Active HotSpot better, and learn a guide to remove Windows Active HotSpot.

Basic Information of Windows Active HotSpot

Windows Active HotSpot is a fake anti-virus program. Though it is newly designed, it has attacked many computers all over the world. Each time users boot their computers, they can see Windows Active HotSpot begin to scan their computers. Lots of viruses, infections, errors, etc, will be displayed after scanning. Users are scared by those threats and virus because they never know there are so many evil things in their computers. But what users should focus on is not those things scanned by Windows Active HotSpot, but Windows Active HotSpot itself. Have you ever install Windows Active HotSpot to your computer? Then how can it be here and scan your computer? That is the point.

How to Remove / Stop Adchoices Permanently

If you have no idea to remove Adchoices, then you come to the right place. Here is the basic information about Adchoices, and a guide to remove it completely from your computer. 

Basic Information about Adchoices

Adchoices is a browser application which injects into target computer without users’ notice. The problem is users are annoyed by floods of advertisements once infected with this Adchoices. Commercial ads keep popping up whenever they open their browsers. It offers various ads such as clothes, electronic products, computer optimizer programs, or coupon codes. You cannot stop them because these ads will pop up over and over again.

Cannot Remove NationZoom Virus – Guide to Get Rid of NationZoom.com

Your computer is infected with NationZoom Virus? Cannot get rid of it? No worries, you will be free from this now on! Clean NationZoom Virus according to the following instruction.

Basic Knowledge of NationZoom Virus

NationZoom (also NationZoom.com, or http://nationoom.com/), can be classified as a browser hijacker virus which has affected millions of computers like a storm recently. It is able to replace homepages of all browsers including Internet Explorer, Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. Whenever users open their browsers, they can notice that NationZoom is there on the screen. It pretends to be a useful search engine which can offer useful information; however, do you set it as your default search engine? If no, how can it replace your homepage? So this is the point.


Guide to Remove and Get Rid of Scorpion Saver

If your computer is infected with Scorpion Saver, then you come to the right place. This passage will give you a step-by-step guide to remove Scorpion Saver from your computer.

What Is Scorpion Saver?

Scorpion Saver is an adware pop-up that will be displayed all the time on users’ browsers. It shows various kinds of ads to users including clothes, coupons, electronic products, etc. It is really annoying because it keeps popping up and users cannot stop it at all. Scorpion Saver offers suspicious links to users as well. Users are not recommended to open those ads and links because you might be led to unfamiliar web pages which are able to inject more threats to your computer. Besides the ads pop-ups, users may come across other browser problems such as homepage hijacked, or search results redirection.

Cannot Stop ADWARE/BHO.Bprotector.1.4? Step-by-step Removal Guide

Infected with ADWARE/BHO.Bprotector.1.4? Got ads pop-ups from ADWARE/BHO.Bprotector.1.4? Don’t worry, you can remove it completely from your computer according to the instruction here.

Basic Knowledge of ADWARE/BHO.Bprotector.1.4

ADWARE/BHO.Bprotector.1.4 is an annoying adware program that pop ups on screen whenever users open whatever browsers including Internet Explorer, Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. Users’ homepages will be replaced by unfamiliar web sites, or they are redirected to unsafe web pages when they surf the Internet. Sometimes new tabs open automatically and jump to strange pages. However, the most obvious property of ADWARE/BHO.Bprotector.1.4 is users will displays users tons of advertisements and suspicious links, which disturbs users’ online activities heavily, and may lead users to unsafe web pages that is able to inject other infections and threats to your computer.